Category: Christianity

  • False Idols

    False Idols

    As I said in a previous post, when the National Safeguarding Team of the Church of England concluded their investigation which substantiated claims against Mike Pilavachi, I was asked what I wanted and I said I wanted to be heard and I wanted a seat at the table so that…

  • Servant Leadership

    Servant Leadership

    I have been chewing on the importance of Servant Leadership for some time now. As someone who has frequently found myself in leadership positions throughout my life, and who has been a disciple of Jesus Christ since I was thirteen, I have witnessed firsthand the difference between leading with a…

  • The Sound of Silence

    The Sound of Silence

    It feels like now I’ve opened the floodgates the words are flowing out of me faster than a multi ball on a pinball machine. I have so many thoughts, so many memories, so much pain, so much hope for the future, and it’s all jumbled up inside my brain and…

  • The Power of Forgiveness

    The Power of Forgiveness

    When It’s Not Some Cheap Grace Thank you to everyone who read my blog yesterday. I hope and pray that in some small way it has helped you to tell your own stories and that you will know that you are not alone. I am grateful for all of the…

  • Spiritual Abuse

    Spiritual Abuse

    My Soul Survivor Experience Up until now I have not felt safe in sharing my experience. I have lived in fear of sticking my head above the parapet and leaving myself open for yet more abuse and shame. But in light of the incredible bravery of the likes of Matt…