Write2Write: day 3

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The thin veil between worlds

I’m really tired today. I’m trying to come off caffeine which doesn’t help. It’s bad for the joints and I’m waiting for some natural anti-inflammatories to arrive in the post. I also woke up two hours before my alarm. That’s the second day this has happened. Perhaps it’s one of the side-effects we should put as a warning on the label that is journaling.

But my productivity is much better than it was before I started all this. Today I began writing before I went anywhere near social media, and right after journaling a short paragraph. I put on my evocative writing playlist, stuck on my noise-cancelling headphones, closed my eyes and allowed my imagination to take me back to the fictional world that is Freodholm. I picked up the thread where I left my heroine, Lily, and watched what she did next, what she saw, smelt, heard, tasted, touched and thought. When I felt like I was back in that world I opened my eyes and started to type and the words flowed pretty well.

The chapter is now finished and I can moved on to the next stage. I need to stretch, go swimming, get something to eat, and come back refreshed and ready for the next stage. If I continue to bash out words now they will be a disconnected string of forced phrases born of this world and not the world that is Freodholm. They will be an imposition rather than an exposition of what is going on there.

It can be a challenge for me to move between different worlds – the crazy world we live in today, and the magical world of my imagination. I have to take my time, meditate on it first, and let myself fall into it. Yesterday I did my research, today I wrote. It felt good, and I can’t wait to go back there. How do you move between those different worlds? How is your writing going today? Hope it’s going well.


5 responses to “Write2Write: day 3”

  1. Human Avatar

    ” I need help ” …knock knock …who is there ..
    “I am here” …my three words …
    Yes interesting …we must help each other ..
    I too get a lot of instincts to write …
    but solitary is difficult to sustain …

    1. Olivia McCabe Avatar

      I hear you. I’m here too. Just packing to go away. How is your day going?

      1. Human Avatar

        Sorry for being late …now you must be back from your tour. I am doing fine.

      2. Olivia McCabe Avatar

        Yes, the Isle of Wight was inspirational. Bag to a rather soggy mainland.

      3. Human Avatar

        Heyy would please share a few pictures on your blog ..

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